Let's start with the obvious: Thailand is hot.
Having said that, it's not that bad. It's rather like Florida or Texas in August; (just) bearable with some common-sense measures. Here are my observations on how the Thai people deal with the sun and heat, which despite what you might think, they are not that fond of either!
They stay out of the sun whenever possible. I suspect that their strong affinity for paleness* is a reflection of this - wealthier people don't have to be out in it, so the whiter the skin, the more this may reflect social status. We farang get many stares for our skin, and sometimes the occasional touch.
Women often use umbrellas, which at first I didn't really understand (I do now). Men carry small cloths to dab at sweaty brows. They seek shade whenever possible and wear long sleeves. Shorts are worn, but not nearly as much as you might imagine.
They carry bottled water with them, and it is also available virtually everywhere. Many beverages are served with ice ... including beer. Understandably, dark beers are not generally available here.
Fans are ubitiquous, and A/C is often used in bedrooms and other highly-utilized rooms. Homes use tile and concrete, and when possible are oriented to take best advantage of breezes.
Last but not least: they eat hot food. I don't mean spicy hot (that is a given), I mean to say steaming hot soup with virtually every meal, or hot tea, hot coffee, etc. Counterintuitive? Perhaps. Maybe it is meant to distract you from how hot it is outside if you are equally hot on the inside?
*for this reason if no other, I just might have to stay here forever. I could write a whole separate entry just on the plethora of whitening product advertisements here.
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Brooke - I moved from Florida to Virginia to enjoy the cooler weather and 4 seasons. And, our days grow longer and a tad warmer each day!
My GSE team to Turkey did the same thing as your team on their day off: the ladies headed for the beach and the guys explored the town!
The heat sounds inviting after our winter here in the Shenandoah Valley.
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